CleanUP Metabolic Cleanse
Described as, “a clarity of thought, energy and emotion… a clean, light and energized sensation that permeates your body and then your life.”
Participants agree, “The Metabolic Cleanse is so much more than you can imagine.” “You gain a sense of being in control of your health and your life.” “I can’t explain it. It’s like you’re no longer along for the ride, or just getting by… with your health or life.” “You just have to experience it.”
effortless, effective, enjoyable
Drs. Sherri and Stockton Jacobs designed a personalized lifestyle program that engages and enhances your body’s inherent desire to heal and thrive. The result is a program that’s described as “engaging”, “actually quite easy” and “definitely life-changing.” The benefit of their medical training and extensive clinical experience is a program that gets results.
“It is the height of artistry and craft when something so elegantly simple delivers such transformative power from within it.”
They did all the work, all the research, all the science… so you don’t have to. Surprising to many, results start happening after the very first day.
Radiant from the inside out
“They taught me how to listen to and understand my body’s cues and then make the right choices and changes to resolve my health complaints.”
No longer will you need to experience weight gain, fatigue, cravings, insomnia, chronic pain, energy crashes, skin conditions, headaches, gas/bloat, hormone swings, irritability, allergies… the list goes on. These are the symptoms of a damaged and struggling metabolism. The Metabolic Cleanse goes right at the foundation of these issues and resolves them. Radiant health simply flourishes as a result.
Indulgent health reset
· Weekly trainings on the keys to abundant health and identifying your health saboteurs
· What you need to eat and why - Specific, yet, dynamic to accommodate your unique tastes
· 21 Days of advanced nutrients to enhance detoxification and metabolic efficiency
· Simple daily lifestyle routines for a clean burning and efficient metabolism
· How to balance essential hormones and reset your metabolic fire
· Special protocols for individual health goals and unique lifestyles
· Recipes, grocery list, cooking tips
· Insights into detoxifying your home and your life
· Online member portal with exclusive access to resources and the Drs. Jacobs
· Action plan for develop your “forever” diet for Day 22 and beyond.
· Locals receive daily detox services through Seeking Indigo for 21 days… absolutely free.
· So much more…